Technology and Gadget have the potential to impact the coming future.
The technology and Gadget industry is diverse and huge. They do not aggregate as a single industry but form a different sub-niche in themselves.
For example, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence. Both are different technology with use may be overlapping or isolated industries.
The Global Smart Home is valued at $76.62 billion in 2018 and is expected to reach $151.38 Billion by 2024.
The number of connected wearable devices worldwide in 2016 stood at 526 million.
The “TechCrunch” acquisition by AOL in 2010 shows the potential in the gadgets and technology niche. The content was so valuable that AOL paid $30 million for the unique website.
You should also look to angle your tech blog in such a fashion that creates a quality asset.
Another example is the acquisition of the “Ars Technica” acquisition in 2008 by Conde Nast Publications for $25 million. Ars Technica is a tech news and gadget review site.
The sub-niche in gadgets and technology are Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain & Crypto, Virtual reality (VR), Smart mobiles and smart homes.
Wearable tech has been covered in health and fitness.
Table of Contents
ToggleGadget and technology Sub Niches
#1. Artificial Intelligence Based Blog
AI brings in the capacity to replace humans by bots. For example, Tesla/ Google self-driving cars or AI-powered talking Alexa/ Google assistant.
AI is the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans.
Artificial Intelligence Market was valued at $23.94 billion in 2018 and is expected to be $208.49 billion by 2025.
Read here how AI can impact from cooking to dating and art.
Artificial Intelligence Keyword Stats
The monthly keyword search volume for AI is massive 90.5K. The unique phrase match keywords that people are searching for is what is “AI movie”, “what is AI” and “AI stocks”.

Artificial Intelligence Google Searches
People are looking for various AI application ideas like AI in healthcare, AI Vs machine learning, and AI in medicine. Which shows the interest and potential of the sub-niche.

Artificial Intelligence Micro Niches Ideas
- AI applications
- AI in healthcare
- AI-based apps
Artificial Intelligence Target Audience Can Be
- Techies
- AI Product designers
- AI companies
AI Products and Services to Offer
- Product recommendations
- AI basic information
- Discussion forum
- Membership area
- Consulting
Website in Artificial Intelligence Niche is an AI-focused blog. The blog got 2.49 million traffic on Sept 2021.

There were no income reports or earnings available for Suppose, if the blog uses Ads (CPC & CPM), basic course & an ebook/membership i.e. the most common monetization methods. Then after taking a very conservative estimate, the potential earnings can be
CPC of $0.10 with a 10% click rate will earn $24,900.
CPM of $1 will earn a monthly $2490.
A basic AI course charging $30 and a 1% conversion will earn $747,000.
An ebook/ service/ membership of $9 with a 1% conversion can earn $224,100.
The total revenue potential is $973,590 per month for a properly monetized website. That is the opportunity you have with a quality blog.
The traffic geo details are as under. You can see Machinelearningmastery receive traffic all over the world with 19.95% traffic from the US and 14.10% from India. blog heavily relied on Google searches (82.23%) for the traffic. The next major traffic source was direct traffic.

The blog got 46.77% of social media traffic from Linkedin and 16.83% from facebook.

#2. Blockchain & Crypto as Sub Niche
Blocks are the list of records that are linked through cryptography. Where each block has the cryptographic hash of the previous block, timestamp and transaction data.
One cannot modify the blocks data and that is why blockchain is seen as the future technology.
The size of the Blockchain market is expected to reach $23.3 billion by 2023.
Blockchain & Crypto Niche Keyword Stats
There are 165K monthly searches made on the blockchain. Which shows the people’s interest in knowing blockchain.

Blockchain & Crypto Niche Google Searches
The keyword ideas from Google are Blockchain wallet, blockchain technology explained, blockchain technology in banking and blockchain stock.

Blockchain & Crypto Micro Niches Ideas
- Blockchain Apps
- Crypto Coins & Exchange
Blockchain & Crypto Target Audience
- Techies
- Blockchain product designers
- Fintech companies
- Cryptocurrecy investor
Blockchain & Crypto Niche Products and Services
- Crypto basic information
- Discussion forum
- Membership area
- Consulting
Breakdown of Blockchain & Crypto Niche Website website has a host of information for intermediate, developers, startups, investors and business. The blog got 245.98k traffic on Sept 2021. The traffic drops down from June 2021 from the levels of about 500K.

There were no income reports or earnings available for Suppose, if the blog uses Ads (CPC & CPM), basic course & an ebook/membership i.e. the most common monetization methods. Then after taking a very conservative estimate, the potential earnings can be
CPC of $0.10 with a 10% click rate will earn $2,460.
CPM of $1 will earn a monthly $246.
A basic Blockchain or Crypto course charging $30 and a 1% conversion will earn $73,800.
An ebook/ service/ membership of $9 with a 1% conversion can earn $22,140.
The total revenue potential is $96186 per month for a properly monetized website. That is the opportunity you have with a quality blog. traffic geography details are as under.

Google is the top traffic source accounting for 51.24% of the overall traffic. The direct traffic contribution is also high with 28.70% which shows the high brand value.

Social media accounted for 4.78% of the overall traffic. The top platform was Youtube at 43.21% of social traffic. The Reddit contribution is also 27.16%.

#3. Virtual Reality Sub Niche
Virtual reality uses a headset to generate images, sounds and other cues that create an imaginary environment for the user.
At present VR has generated a lot of interest in the gaming world. But the best applications are virtual reality travel experience and VR documentaries.
VR revenues reached $3.6 billion in 2018.
Virtual Reality Keyword Stats
People made 110K monthly searches for virtual reality. The top phrase-matched keywords are VR headset and VR games.

Virtual Reality Google Searches
On Google people are searching for VR in education & healthcare, VR headset and VR technology. From which you can gauge the interest.

Virtual Reality Micro Niches
- VR Console
- VR driving simulator
- VR exercise bike
Your Target Audience Can Be for Virtual Reality
- Techies
- VR product designers
Virtual Reality Products and Services to Sell
Amazon has over 9000 results for VR. Mostly headsets and books.

Other products and services that you can offer are
- VR basic information
- Discussion forum
- Membership area
- Consulting
Example is a virtual reality-focused blog. The blog got 250.43k traffic on Sept 2021.

There were no income reports or earnings available for Suppose, if the blog uses Ads (CPC & CPM), affiliate, & an ebook/membership i.e. the most common monetization methods. Then after taking a very conservative estimate, the potential earnings can be
CPC of $0.10 with a 10% click rate will earn $2,504.
CPM of $1 will earn a monthly $250.
Affiliate earnings would be with $199 product price and 8% commission on sale and 5% conversion on total traffic will earn $202,693.
5% conversion of 250.43K = 12521 orders
8% commission on every sale with average product price of $199 = $15.92
Earning, 12521* 15.92 = $199,334
An ebook/ service/ membership of $9 with a 5% conversion can earn $112,689.
The total revenue potential is $232,273 per month for a properly monetized website. That is the opportunity you have with a quality blog. traffic geo details
US in the highest contributed country with 23.63%. In the above 2 niches we saw India at the second position for geo contribution but for Vrfocus, India is not even in the top 5.

Google search is the major traffic source that accounted for 73.06% of the overall traffic

Twitter was the topmost social media platform for pulling social traffic. But almost equal social traffic contributions were made from Facebook and Reddit.

#4. iPhones (Smart Phones Based Sub Niche)
Since its inception, Apple has filed more than 200 patents relating to the iPhone’s technology. iPhone users are more loyal than any other brand.
As of May 2019, Apple holds a 52% subscriber share of the smartphone operating system in the US.

iPhones Keyword Stats
The iPhone has 1.2M monthly search volume. The best phrase match keywords are iPhone 11, iPhone 11 pro max and iPhone xr.

iPhones Google Searches
Google search shows people are searching on the iPhone for sale, cheap and nearby shop locations.

iPhones Micro Niches Ideas
- iPhone wallets & cases
- iPhone chargers
iPhones Target Audience Can Be
- iPhone user
- Executives
Products and Services to Sell on iPhones Niche Website
Amazon list over 1000 results on iPhone. Mostly old version iPhones and accessories.

Other products and services that you can offer are
- User guides and hacks
- iPhone products information
iPhones Niche Leading Website Details is a site dedicated to Mac and iPhones. The blog got 12.87 million traffic in Sept 2021.

The estimated annual revenue is $2.6 million. The website has the potential to earn higher when monetized fully. Still, you can gauge the potential of the smartphone sub-niche. traffic geo details
US in the highest contributed country with 44.75%

Google search is the major traffic source that accounted for 52.14% of the overall traffic. The website receive a massive direct traffic of 41.95%.

The blog got 42.60% of social traffic from Reddit, 29.38% from Facebook.

#5. Smart Home Devices as Sub Niche
Smart home devices are sensor-equipped interconnected smart home appliances. That can be controlled and managed through apps or Alexa/ Google Assistant remotely.
The global smart home market is estimated at $53.45 billion by 2022.
Smart Home Devices Keyword Stats
There are 18.1K monthly searches made on smart home devices. Which shows the people’s interest in smart home devices. The top phrase matched keywords are the best smart home devices, Alexa smart home devices and google smart home devices.

Smart Home Devices Google Searches
The key ideas that you can have from Google searches are smart home devices that work with Alexa, smart home devices apple/google/amazon and smart home devices for apartments.

Smart Home Devices Micro Niches
- Smart home devices for renters
- Smart home devices for the disabled.
- Smart home device for slow Wifi
Smart Home Devices Target Audience Can Be
- Nuclear Family
- Techie
Products and Services For Smart Home Devices Niche
Amazon has over 30,000 results for smart home devices.

Other products and services that you can offer are
- Smart home device guide
- Unpacking and usage video
- Discussion forum
Smart Home Devices Niche Website Breakdown blogs on smart home devices. The blog received 692.15k from traffic in Sept 2021.

There were no income reports or earnings available for Suppose, if the blog uses Ads (CPC & CPM), affiliate, & an ebook/membership i.e. the most common monetization methods. Then after taking a very conservative estimate, the potential earnings can be
CPC of $0.10 with a 10% click rate will earn $6,921.
CPM of $1 will earn a monthly $692.
Affiliate earnings with $50 product and 8% commission and 5% conversion will earn $138,430.
An ebook/ service/ membership of $9 with a 5% conversion can earn $311,463.
The total revenue potential is $450,585 per month for a properly monetized website. That is the opportunity you have with a quality blog.
The traffic details are as under.

The top traffic source – Google search which accounted for 90.83% of the total visits.

Reddit (45.31%) and Facebook (21.42%) were the top social media channels for traffic sources.

Summing up Gadgets and Technology Niche
Books, blogs and journals constitute a small fraction of quality information on technology niche. You will find it hard to generate in-depth insights unless you have years of work experience or exposure to technology.
Approximately, 47.92% of the visitors in the technology niche are from organic search. The percentage distribution of various traffic channels are
- Direct traffic – 37.41%
- Social – 7.73%
- Referral – 5.85%
- Email – 1.02%
- Display Ads – 0.07%.
Pinterest is the least preferred social channel by Tech bloggers. Facebook (38.68%) does have an edge over other social channels. The next best social media platforms are Twitter (25.58%), Reddit (19.70%) and Youtube (4.17%).
Action Points
Make sure that you have relevant knowledge before jumping into tech blogging. Half baked knowledge can backfire.
Create engaging and relevant content. You can use the social channel which is most preferred by your target audience. Pinterest should be your last option.