We are always trying to save money on the electric bill. We turn off lights, power down computers, and unplug those items which aren’t used on a regular basis. However, even if those tasks are performed on a daily basis, your energy bill may still be high or even increase.
Energy Hogs
One of the reasons for this is unseen energy hogs that lurk in your home or business. These may be hidden in your electrical or communication lines. Constant dips and swells in your voltage or current can lead your meter to read higher than its supposed to each month.
It’s Time to Analyze Your Energy
When you are stumped as to the reason for this issue it’s time to bring in the professionals. Depending on the size of your property, a single electrician or a team of them can determine potential issues with an energy analyzer.
These units, purchased at places like PowerSight, detect and record problem areas. In the end, they can save you money. Here are three reasons how.
They Catch Events
When connected to a power source for a length of time, an energy analyzer can detect significant events. For example, impulses, voltage dips, and swells. In turn, they can pinpoint the source of the issues.
They Record Energy Use
Kilowatts per hour (kWh), watts, and power factors are recorded and displayed in real time. This lets the property owner see how much energy is used in a given period. In the end, they can adjust power settings accordingly to reduce cost.
They Compile Load Studies
After the analysis is complete, the units can compile load studies. These can determine where most of the energy is being used and the best way to distribute it. While it may require repair or replacement of lines or equipment, the return on investment will be long-term savings.
Don’t wait until the next power bill is higher than the previous one. Speak to your local electricians to examine your power output now.