Loknath Das 24 Nov 2021 News Comments Off on Fashion Designers Who Did It The Other Way 188 Views
“To be irreplaceable, you always have to be different” – a phrase that could be familiar to many Coco Chanel fans. Actually born as Gabrielle Chasnel on the 19th of August 1883, she soon realized that she was different from the typical women of her time. So Coco, the name she got from a song she was singing in a cabaret in her twenties, liked to walk around, wearing a hat, pants and men’s clothing. She didn’t care about what others where thinking about her. She wanted to create a new, modern woman. So she founded the almost revolutionary, functional women’s fashion, which consisted by a calf-length skirt, pants, a simple top and a short haircut – just a modern, self-confident woman. At first, her designs weren’t accepted by society. Sooner or later however, many women were very grateful for her new way of clothing – until today.